Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Insert Creative Title Later

So sorry that I haven't been too good about posting this week. My week has been very tiring and very full. Between actual work, working out and trying to keep up with people my days fill themselves time and time again and before I know it, I am thinking, "Whew! I better go to bed soon or I will regret it." Sometimes I regret it anyways. 

Monday was a good day starting with donuts and following through with videos about listening skills. I had heard most of it from the other literature that we have gone through lately, but refresher courses are never bad. Visits were fairly uneventful except in the sense that after I finished my list at St. Luke's, I walked over to MD Anderson only to discover that Evan and Preston had already finished the lists over there as well. We didn't have our reading with us, so we dosed in a lobby (I say "a lobby" because there are like a million lobbies in there) for a while until we met Carter to drive home. 

Tuesday Paul followed me on some visits to see how I was doing. He assured me that it was NOT an assessment, but just making sure I knew my way around and interacted well with patients. We saw a couple of patients together and then he pealed off to do some lunch before taking off for the day. Monday and Tuesday were my first days to interact with a pediatric patient and a family of a pediatric patient in Texas Children's Hospital. It is definitely a whole new ball game! More on that in a minute. 

Today, which is Wednesday, was quite depressing in most senses as far as visits went. There were a few moments of smiles and laughter, but for the most parts my patients today were not interested in talking about the weather or the Astros. They were interested in talking about their pain, their concern for their families, and more. I watched as in room after room eyes filled with tears and emotions overflowed on to the pillows as wet splotches, reminders of human's imperfect and volatile nature. Perhaps it was the weather, perhaps it was the fact that I have known some of them for a couple of days, but perhaps it was just God, asking me to swim deeper in to these waters. As when you are scuba diving, I feel that my ears will equalize at some point, but for now, they are aching. My heart has been asked to pour out more today and any of the other days combined. 

I ask that you all pray for strength for me as I continue to swim deeper into the waters of this ministry. God is faithful. He has carried me this far, and I know He will not let me down. This week has been such a reminder that pain can still reach us when we are leaning upon him. It can reach us but not overtake us. I think of the verse, "We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed." (2 Corinthians 4:8-9) This summer is different in every respect than last summer, that is for sure! :) 

Thanks for reading. Comments and other messages are encouraged!

1 comment:

  1. first of all...PEELED OFF!! HA! :)

    but, more seriously...
    my dear have been entrusted with quite a that will be joyful at times but will also come with a lot of sadness and heaviness of heart. the responsibility will at times feel easy and at others it will seem overwhelming. but, God has entrusted you with this responsibility. God trusts that you are more than capable of carrying out God's work. i am praying for you as you learn how to best be Christ to your patients and their families! continue to open your heart...the Spirit will prompt and guide you.
