Monday, May 23, 2011

Crazy life

Hey readers! I hope and pray that this finds all of you in a good place of health and contentment.

I don't really know exactly what made me want to write tonight but it is the outlet of all of my good luck sifting through all the craziness to glean something meaningful.

It's been an interesting few days with moving home and all. I really enjoy being back with my parents but I know that that is going to make the move a little more painful when it actually comes. Speaking of the great move to Memphis, I am looking for jobs, so anything that you know of in the Memphis area, I would love to know about. Shoot me an email or give me a call.

I think I have decided that I would kind of like to be a bank teller for a year if I can find that sort of thing. I am not highly qualified for it, but I have some cash handling experience and am good with computers. It would be a job that I could go in, put my time in, work hard, and then go home and (hopefully) not have to worry about. I don't know, could be fun. Anyway, I am a little nervous about this move obviously with not having a job lined up yet, or place to live, but I am working on it. I trust that the Lord will provide if that is where I am supposed to be for this year.

Graduating and moving on now just seems like a dream. Something that happened in the past but didn't mean anything. I said goodbye to my good friend today and that was difficult yet again. It is hard to see everyone who has been huge players in your life game move off and attach to different things. I am doing that too though, so it is not just all their fault.

Everything just seems kind of surreal right now. My shifting relationship with my friends, professors, brother as he gets married, parents, and Garrett as we move to the same city. So much is changing in my life that I can't seem to take it all in or process it all. I spent a long time today just laying on my bed (like a lazy college alumnus job searching should) and thinking about it all (which is always dangerous). It feels like everything in my life is changing right now and the effects are absolutely paralyzing. I try not to get caught up in all of it but I still do.

God has blessed me so immensely in each chapter of my life so far. I feel like to not look back, smell the roses, and remember the good times now would be taking for granted all that he has given me. My wonderful parents who raised me in the ways of the Father. My loving brother who taught me so much about the world and God and faith and love. The rest of my wonderful family that loves and supports me always. Little ole' Abilene and all of her quirks; she may be small and boring, but she will always be my first home. My amazing friends from elementary, middle and high school, and college that have helped to shape me into who I am. The Family of God that have supported me and sent me on all of my adventures and missions that sculpted me so greatly. And most recently, my incredible boyfriend who keeps me balanced, together, and moving forward through all of these changes. It would be impossible to look at my life and not see how incredibly blessed I have been and am today.

The marvelous thing is that God is not yet done with me. He is not through using people to sculpt and influence my life. He is faithful and true. He knows me and loves me and I hold on to that fact more than life itself. I try, readers, so hard to lean on that fact. I don't want my blog to come off as a place where I complain about things and changes in my life. I want to celebrate the His faithfulness and ability to carry me through even when I can't pick myself up. I marvel at the way that he has used each person in my life to help shape my story and carry little weak Kate through His greater story.

I suppose that is why I felt prompted to write tonight. Every single time that I write and submit myself to be quiet and alone with Him. He draws me back to Himself and His love and faithfulness. May you be encouraged because we are all His children and He loves us because He made us and knows us.

Not sure there was anything to glean here for you, reader, but may God be glorified in our effort.


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