Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Graduation Blues?

Well, I guess I finally did it. I wore my purple heels and walked across the stage and got my "diploma tube," ACU's idea of something photogenic that is easy to hand out on stage and should convince the audience that it actually contains something useful, like a degree. But anyway, it was a weekend filled of friends and family and fun. I purposefully chose not to deal with what was actually going on emotionally for fear that it might ruin the weekend. So I stuffed the emotional baggage in the trunk and enjoyed my weekend.

I guess I really didn't let it hit me until this afternoon when Garrett was about to leave and we were talking about plans for Memphis. Until this point it has been theoretical...all of it. But now, with the adrenaline of the weekend wearing off and the fatigue setting in, it is seeming very real. Sitting down to write my family and friends thank you notes seemed to put the final stamp. Just above my desk, I have a variety of pictures, notes, invitations, and cards from this year and past years in college. From little Kate, Dara, and Collin about to have a pillow fight in the freshman dorm, to Samoa of the girls holding the "We love you, Kate" banner, to kids in the youth group at church camp this summer, to this past April with my research collaborators and biochemistry colleagues, I have it all on my wall. I looked up at it and could not help but be overcome with emotion that this journey is finally over. This chapter of life has ended and a new one will soon begin.

I can't say that I am not ready to move on. I am very attached to my job, my friends, classmates, student org, and many other things about ACU. However, if you asked me if I wanted to do another couple semesters of it, I would have to say "no." I am ready to move on, but it is still a bit painful to be honest. I feel like graduation should feel happier than this...not to say I am not happy but this is one of the most bittersweet experiences I have ever had. I wonder if other graduates feel like this or if I am just that crazy. I expected to be thrilled, ready to be done with ACU, and a sense of closure of it all. Honestly, I feel very little closure. Sure, I had the parties and celebrations and attention that signifies that something is drawing to a close and are meant to prepare us for that, but it just convinced me even more of how much I love things here.

I never thought I would look a picture of my professors or the other students that drove me crazy and start crying. I never thought I would lose sleep over cleaning out my desk at work or finishing the time-sheets we enter every semester. But alas, what would life be without surprises. Pretty boring, I would guess.

Now I am worried that all of you will think that I am crazy and should just be happy because life goes on. I can only say that I know I will get there. There is just so much that is unsure in my life right now. I am really leaning on the power of God to carry me through these next couple of months. I feel called and very confirmed in the decision that I have made, but it is hard not to get wrapped up thinking about it all. Life does move on. Things work out. New friends will be made and old ones will stay in touch. I know that things can't stay the way they are in one stage of life for forever and honestly I wouldn't want them to.

The other thing that situations like this make me appreciate, is the consistent things that God has established for us. First and foremost, that He loves us very much and He will always be there. Secondly, family. That's really all I can say right now without going into another emotional fit but I am so immensely grateful for the institution of family and how ideally, they are our best friends for life. I know that as people, we sometimes get in the way of ourselves, but family really is pretty cool when you think about going through changes but your family is your family. I understand that I have an ideal family situation...I love and appreciate them more now than maybe ever.

That's probably all I have energy for tonight. Peace and blessings, friends.

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